Mohammed's Portfolio


What was my program supposed to do?

My program was suppoused to list the different number bases.

What happened during the coding?

During the coding it was difficult to decide the x and y cooridinates. It took a while to code out the Binary, 10 based, and HEX coding. We had to work through consistant error and trail. Error and trail helped us learn significantly better in each others character and definitely helped us learn how to code.

How things went in generally and/or how I felt about it?

I felt that generally coding is a easy process as you learn to code. And start to memorize the starting codes in which allows you to edit the document.

Article 1

I read a article based on robots. Click here to view the article. The article states about how robots can do tasks and movements which humans have inability to do. The robots can easily pick up certain objects based on what is stated. Robots are eligible.

Article 2

Click here to read the article I read about drones. Drones can create warfare. Drones are used a weapon in the U.S. military. The drones can help the future F-35 Pilots with information from the enemy.

Straw Bridge

The bridge was suppoused to hold itself up from one side of the table. The bridge suceeded in that task. The hardest part of the challenge was building the bridge from one side and making sure it held itself up.

What is your program going to do?

My program will help people in different countries communicate and it will be very easy to use to older people are eligible to use it.


My program is suppoused to make play a maze game. There will be 2 mazes. And a trigger for the player to reach the trigger (the apple) which will change the backdrop to the other maze. And within the maze there will be other avatars/characters which will be moving along the x and y axis. Once the main avatar touches the other avatars then it will put the original avatar back into his original position.


One issue I had was switching the background once the avatar reached the apple. Eventually with Mr.B's help I was able to switch the background. Another issue is moving the other avatars x and y axises. And once the avatar touches those characters for the avatar to move back to it's original program is out the whole maze or the beginning of the maze. My program was suppoused to show a schedule for the whole week. The program worked by displaying the schedule based on the day. One problem/challenge discovered was finding the right X AND Y cooridnates to input The problem/Challenge handled was by trail and error.


The computer is analying the bio data being inputed. And the computer is recognizing every single espect of the human input and recording it. For handwriting the computer is copying the pressure and where exactly the user is inputing the writing and how they're writing the letter. With fingerprint it is analying it. Article 2 : In article 2 it is speaking about how robotics are helping humans, surgically. The robot is being contolled by a doctor who can see inside and help the robot make it's decisions. With the biotechnology the computer is storing everything the human is inputing.

My Graphic

How a computer is setup

Ellispe Project

My program was supposed to create an orange rectangle with an ellipse at the end of it. It was also supposed to get more complicated and create a blue rectangle behind it. The program was supposed to work by displaying colorful rectangles with ellipses at the end. Some problems/ challenges discovered were finding the right color. And how to input the color. The problems/challenges were handled through trail and error.

This code displays the orange rectangles with the ellipses.

Spaceship Checklist


The porgamming language used was script. The program works by displaying a spacecraft. The programs works by displaying the spacecraft, step by step on how it was built. The problem was trying to find the right coordinates for the squares/rects to be put into. I found the solution to this issue through trail and error.


The "ships"/rects supposed to be on top of each other to form a big spaceship.

This part is put on behind the rect to make it look like fire is being exited from the spacecraft. Another hard part is trying to find a way to move the 3rd ship onto with all the parts intact to another place.


Directing a robot through a maze

The apprentice's robot ended up on the same box it started. The program did what it was suppoused to instead of making us reput the block again and again.

Chosen Article (Smart Cities)

The technology is suppoused to help people's lives get easier. It helps people not remember as much. It will also help people gain jobs for those who need it. The impact of this in the city culture will be huge. Since most people will be using this technology. As most people already use smartwatches,Smartphones,etc. The computer will take useful information as to what the person is doing daily and take that information and output it as to remind the person if any task is missed. Or help others, for example the smart trash can, can send the garbage men the best route to pick up the trash.

Converting Binary on Scratch

You convert Binary to 10 number by adding a program to add more bits. The binary can help organize the complexity of the program by

Making a program on scratch

The code was supposed to display a car and a plane moving across the scene (aka background). The car goes across the one side of the background\ to the other end and bounces off back to the original positions/X,Y axis. The plane moves around the screen

Second program on Scratch

My program displays astronaut floating around in space. The hard part was finding the correct timing for the astronaut to move in and the motion. As well I added a qoute if anyone clicks on the Sprite it will move back to it's original place.